2014 is upon us !
I never make New Years Resolutions, I have always thought that if I want to do something, I should just do it, without the need for some custom or other to back me up. The result is, I haven't packed in smoking, I still need to stick to that diet, I haven't spent less time drooling over gadgets than I do working on my web stats, this blog is still only ever updated once a year, this blog still hasn't found it's little niche in terms of what the heck am I blogging about?!
2013 was possibly one of THE most difficult years we as a family have ever faced. If I wanted to blog about recession and economic decline I certainly could! But having lived it, I don't feel the need to dwell on it and go over it all again. I'm sure a gazillion of you could relate to my tales of woe, difficult times and trials and tribulations we've faced and (nearly) overcome, but as the New Year draws near I have a need to look forward to the future rather than dwell too much on the past.
To give a very brief overview, I've moved countries, back to my homeland the UK, kicking and screaming really as I loved where I lived before, my child has endured a loss of friends and a fantastic school, a culture shock (things are very different here to the little island we resided on before ) and my husband and I have evaded bankruptcy by the skin of our teeth. On the up side, I'm near to family and friends again, the genuine real people in my life who I missed a lot when I allowed myself to over the past few years. There's a lot to be said for hanging out with people who just know so much about you that you don't have to explain yourself too much at the times you really don't feel like needing to justify your crazy decision making processes!
My husband has taken a job so far out of his comfort zone he might as well be visiting an alien planet daily. Being the pillar of support that I am I tell him to suck it up with a smile :-) My DD is adjusting to a new school and very very different friends, who seem so advanced in their years they are little women at just 11 years old. I became 40 a couple of months ago, and decided that my 40s are going to be my most favourite years. Why ? Because I've decided to make them count.
We have applied to become foster carers in 2014. This isn't a decision we took lightly, it's something we have been thinking about for almost a year. The thing which has surprised me most is the feeling that I have to justify myself when I tell people in my life about this decision. It's surprising how those we speak to think we are asking for their opinions or approval when we put it out there to them. Feedback is mixed as you can imagine. Some think it's a fantastic idea and that we can only try it in order to know if it's the right thing for our family, others seem to know instantly that because it's not a scenario they would contemplate for themselves or their own, it must be one which is bound to be full of negatives for us. At the moment my stance is simply that we are open to the idea and exploring it further, I hope it works out, but if it doesnt, I'm sure it will be a ride.
In the midst of a busy and stressful year I've only managed to work on my web stuff, and do my thing with my family. There has been little time for art, or writing, or anything too creative really. I hope that in 2014 I can change that, even if the most creative I can be is play doh effort !
Happy New Year everybody, may 2014 bring you your hopes and dreams x